My Headlines

Thursday, June 5, 2008

One Union Bites Another Union's Work ...

By UnionReview

It is widely known that for the last two-plus years, school bus and transit workers at First Student have worked diligently to drive up standards in their industry by organizing with the Teamsters Union. And while it is fairly common, unfortunately, for one union to pick off the fruits of another union’s success, I think the news from earlier in the week that a couple yards in Pa. voted with the UAW sucks.

Yes, it is great that the workers at that yard have a union coming in – that’s not my argument, my argument is that these workers don’t belong in the UAW, they are not auto workers; they are drivers in the transportation sector belonging with a union that has committed both resources, time and dollars in helping the employees of this company get a voice at the work place that they desperately need.

Please tell me your thoughts on this.

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