You work all your life to retire and along the way you and your wife get sick, but you can make it in your own home with a little help, lord knows that my own mother needed home help when she was dying. In San Fransisco, CA., the budget cuts are being aimed at working families and retired, sick and those in need. Cutting jobs and reducing hours, wages and benefits for those that make the cut potentially hurts all San Fransisco residents.
From PRNewswire (6/14/08):
More Than 13,000 Home Healthcare Workers,The American Nightmare continues. Speaking of California...
Clients Protest Governor's Cuts
Union Members Gather to Call, Write Letters to
Schwarzenegger Expressing Outrage
SAN FRANCISCO, June 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An unprecedented
number of home healthcare workers rallied Saturday to protest Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger's proposed cuts to their hours of service, wages and
benefits. These dramatic reductions would force some of California's most
vulnerable workers and the people they serve deeper into poverty. It also
would force many clients out of their homes and into nursing facilities
In San Francisco, Sacramento, and Fresno, workers, their clients and
supporters gathered to write letters and make phone calls urging the
governor to lay down his budget ax and pledge to save these vital services
for seniors and people with disabilities. Thousands participated in the
demand that the governor craft a budget that's fair to all Californians,
and encouraged Republican lawmakers to withdraw their support of the latest
In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) provides personal care and domestic
services to more than 408,000 seniors and disabled people, enabling them to
live in their homes. The program is funded by federal, state and county
In his most recent budget proposal, Schwarzenegger advocated
"permanently eliminating domestic and related services" to 84,000 people,
or 20 percent of all IHSS recipients.
Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy - California Uber Alles (Live 1992)
The title translated is California above all others, it was written at a time when California had another pro-corporate Governor, Peter Wilson. While the names have changed, as have the times, the message is the same, sing along...
"At a time when AIDS is in a crisis,
I cut healthcare and I raise prices,
sales tax, snack tax, excise tax
Informational tax with a newspaper tax.
Hit the pocket books of working families,
increase tuition at the universities,
Some day I'll command all o' you,
even your kids are gonna pray to me in school,
Soon I'm gonna be the president
you might remember the last one this state sent"
I wish I heard this when it came out...the studio version is awesome
Names changed, story is the same, maybe even worse.
The Man behind the music
So who is the front man of this work?
Michael Franti, who continues his career as musician and movie maker, now with the band Spearhead, heres a live show from 2006:
You can find more free to listen music and audio files at the Internet Archive

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