My Headlines

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

US Dept. of labor auditing law firm for disqualifing American workers

I read through the Newswire, it seems that the DOL has "information indicating that in at least some cases the firm improperly instructed clients who filed permanent labor certification applications to contact their attorney before hiring apparently qualified U.S. workers."

More loop holes screwing American workers, you can view the entire Newswire at "U.S. Department of Labor Auditing All Permanent Labor Certification Applications Filed by Major Immigration Law Firm" (6/2/08)
 "The department's decision to further investigate these applications
will help ensure the integrity of the permanent labor certification process
and ultimately protect job opportunities for American workers," said
Gregory F. Jacob, solicitor of labor. "The department takes seriously its
responsibility to ensure that American workers have access to jobs they are
qualified and willing to do and that their wages and working conditions are
not adversely affected by the hiring of foreign workers."

The permanent labor certification process, established by the
Immigration and Nationality Act, allows employers to sponsor aliens for
permanent residence (secure a "green card") to fill positions for which no
qualified, willing and available U.S. workers can be found. The
department's regulations set forth detailed procedures by which an employer
seeking certification must demonstrate that no qualified U.S. workers can
be located.
I'm getting the eerie feeling they don't want American workers, and are doing everything in their power to make sure they don't wind up with one. this follows all the other immigration scams and injustices that are happening in our "legal immigration" policies. Next story up is the one about the pregnant 17 year old migrant farm worker in California who died because she wasn't allowed to have water.

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