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Friday, June 6, 2008

NY Construction members take to buses to promote unions

The ad is simple and effective and drives home the point that unions are not special interests they are the people who make everything in this country work. - Bill

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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to make everyone aware of the new bus ad campaign on the NYC buses, sponsored by the Concrete Alliance. It asks the question: "Why Union?" Then it shows a family that is healthy and happy. The ad is simple and effective and drives home the point that unions are not special interests they are the people who make everything in this country work. We often hear talk of family values these days. What higher value can we place on our families than securing the wages, health benefits, and other essential family needs that become available through union membership? I'm really proud of my Local for participating in the campaign.

Bill the Lather

Joe's Note: Firstly welcome aboard Bill, it's a privilege to have you writing here, secondly, I am really looking forward to seeing these ad's running on the NYC buses. It's important people know the benefits of union membership.

Heres a little more info from the Concrete Alliance, Inc., who's member unions are sponsoring this ad:
"Unions are all about family values," says says Al Gerosa. President of the Concrete Alliance. Membership brings superior health benefits for union workers and their families. he notes, "and we want qualified non-union workers to be aware of what they can gain by joining."

Families of union members can also enjoy the advantages of middle class living standards. he adds. Followed by a strong pension program when the breadwinner retires. The public benefits as well, because union workers are trained and re-trained in safe working practices. "This emphasis on safety clearly pays off",declares Mr. Gerosa, "because construction sites with union workers have far fewer accidents."

"Raising public awareness of how unions benefit New York City as a whole. especially through improved safety on city streets and construction sites, is another reason for taking to the streets with this new campaign,"
Supporters of the bus advertising campaign include:
  • Cement & Concrete Workers District Council
  • International Union of Operating Engineers Local 14-14B
  • International Union of Operating Engineers Locals 15, 15A, 15B, 15C & 15D
  • Metallic Lathers & Reinforcing Iron Workers Local 46
  • New York City District Council of Carpenters
  • New York Concrete Construction Institute, Locals 6A, 18 and 20
  • Teamsters Union Local 282
  • United Cement Masons Union Local 780
Word is, many more unions will be advertising on 1010 Wins news in the drive times, thats good news.

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