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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Women join together against Sarah Palin in largest political rally ever held in Alaska

When a few women in Alaska were talking over coffee about welcoming home Sarah Palin with a hometown protest, never in their wildest dreams did they realize that what they would accomplish. The ‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally wound up being the largest political rally in Alaska's history. With approximately 1,400 attendees and 90 counter protesters.

Wake up people! Even the people in Alaska realize that Palin isn't suited to be a heartbeat away from the Commander In Chief of the greatest country in the world.

Here's a Video

A huge thanks to The Rag Blog for pointing me to Mudflats Blog, who states:
Never, have I seen anything like it in my 17 and a half years living in Anchorage. The organizers had someone walk the rally with a counter, and they clicked off well over 1400 people (not including the 90 counter-demonstrators). This was the biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state. I was absolutely stunned. The second most amazing thing is how many people honked and gave the thumbs up as they drove by. And even those that didn’t honk looked wide-eyed and awe-struck at the huge crowd that was growing by the minute. This just doesn’t happen here.
You can read the full article and see tons of first hand pictures of the rally, by checking out the story at Mudflats, entitled "‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE!"

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