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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Joe's week of union news 9/27

Photo It was a tough week for all of us, especially hit the hardest were the men and women who work in the financial sector in New York City. While we had the US Treasury Secretary Paulson propose omnipotence in delving out our $700,000,000 in our tax money, we had one of our Presidential candidates use this as a wedge issue to stay away from the debate, and even lie to David Letterman. All this bullshit should go noticed and be spread. The fun and games for Wall Street are over. The losers are the hard working tax paying American citizens once again.

At least 25,000 are unemployed from the Lehman Brothers collapse, my heart goes out to them and their families, these are people from many walks of life, investors, traders, janitors and engineers, This was a travesty, and now it continues, with only one ending, we the people will give the ilk that got us into this mess our money.

An old friend of mine, Richie who was a Vietnam vet and former drug dealer stick-up man, that's right, he used to rob drug dealers, explained life to me many years ago. Having been clean for about 10 years at the time.

He said "we are all in the middle of the pyramid, slaves to paying for those many poor at the bottom and the tiny few at the top"

I wish I knew where Richie was today, I'd have to tell him we are getting closer to the bottom.

Yes from the first credit card you apply for you are signing your future away. Financial slavery is slavery nonetheless.

Picture from "Labor unions protest in NY against bailout"

From Joe's Union Review
  • Sunday fun, Uncle Jay explains Congress hard at wo...
  • McCain, Letterman, Bailout, Debates
  • Anti-Union Contractor Association Blasts Its Own M...
  • Los Angeles Unified School District Extends Its Pr...
  • No wonder McCain want's to cancel the election,......
  • Five Dangerous, Disastrous Things About the Propos...
  • A Letter From John Sweeney To The Senate
  • Senate must include real credit card reform in bai...
  • 100,000 E-Mails sent. Vote No Bailout
  • Emergency Labor mobilization on Bailout this THURS...
  • Let's Make A Deal - TransUnion class action settle...
  • Building And Construction Trades letter on bailout...
  • Italian PM To Sink Alitalia, Blames Union
  • Tula Connell from AFL-CIO Now blog: No Blank Check...
  • A blog for public works and project labor agreemen...
  • Why I got fired, a Sunday slideshow
  • From Union Review

    A few Weeks in (UNION) Review

    Here are the last couple weeks of stories to hit Union Review. As Joe pointed out in his "Labor links of the week," this was a very intense week for working people. There were many ups and probably and equal amount of downs.

    While Joe was focused today on what took place on Wall Street, I seemed to be absorbed with the Presidential debates ... The more I hear McCain the more I find him to be the most arrogant and obnoxious candidate ... ever. As working people are pushed down to the bottom each day, I get sick thinking how bad or worse it can get with McCain potentially being the president.

    Meanwhile, an organizing campaign that I have spent a lot of time on, reached at 10,000 mark. The Teamsters' School Bus and Transit workers have organized 10K-plus this week, and that was incredible to write about, watch, and be part of.

    As I used to say a lot around here, as many stories as there are out there, what I am doing on Union Review and what Joe's working on at his site can't possible cover them all. We need folks from every union, trade, etc., to get a username and password and spread out news and opinions of the union movement so that we can -- as Chuck would say -- educate, mobilize and organize!

    In Solidarity,


    From UnionGal:
    • I Joined a Union TODAY!! - 0 minutes agoIt's been years since I was in a union, Teamsters local 407 and that was REALLY briefly. But I was raised union and clearly, I believe in Solidarity. So, a friend today suggested that I join a un...
    • Women in The Workplace - 0 minutes agoLilly Ledbetter will be speaking tonight in Cleveland for Hard Hatted Women. I highly recommend sending a little green their way for all the amazing work they do with pre-apprenticeship programs for w...
    • IUOE Endorses.... - 0 minutes agoOBAMA Apparently, the entire union, just not local 18 in Cleveland, Ohio. You know, you can tell Sink how you feel about this. Here's the announcement: Operating Engineers Endorse Obama By Kate A....
    • Local 18 What Are You Thinking? - 0 minutes agoYou let McSame use you as a backdrop in Ohio while he spoke about the economy? And you did this so that you could FUCKIN' ENDORSE McSame? Did you miss what your brothers and sisters in local 317 s...
    • More Wall Street Welfare Talk from the Bush Administration - 0 minutes agoCash strapped communities all over the country are now feeling the pinch of the egregious Wall Street CEO behavior. Mostly, it's in the costs for their municipal bonds which have rising interest ...
    • In the Never Ending Saga of DC Public Schools... - 0 minutes agoI got this in my e-mail today. I'm drawing attention to it because it's a chance for parents to speak up (and non-parents) about the manner in which enrollment takes place. If you live near a ...
    • Another Airline Bites the Dust - 0 minutes agoThis time, it's due to the European Union, as Alitalia was erquired to be privitized. But don't you LOVE how the AP spins this one?: Barring a valid offer, Alitalia's extraordinary admini...
    • Shooting at Finnish School - 0 minutes agoMy family hails from Finland. Viitasaari to be more precise. My great grandfather came over to the US and then settled the family. We think my grandfather may have been born here, but aren't cert...
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