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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Senate must include real credit card reform in bailout package!

From our friends at Consumers Union, the non-profit publishers of Consumer ReportsCredit Card Reform
Senate must include real credit card reform in bailout package! legislation to make credit cards more fair to you just passed the House and now must pass the Senate. Tell your Senator to include these reforms in any rescue package it passes!

The Senate will vote THIS WEEK on a rescue package. The credit card reform bill should be included in any package that helps financial institutions out of the mess that some of them helped create.

The provisions passed by the House this week prevent credit card companies from arbitrarily jacking up interest rates on your card debt, and provide for a fairer distribution of your payments to costly, high-interest debt first.

Only days remain before Congress breaks for the year. Tell your Senators to support this provision now!
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