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Monday, September 1, 2008

Employee Free Choice Act - Take back the American dream

The non-profit group American Rights At Work has released an ad promoting The Employee Free Choice Act, today, Labor Day 2008, is as good a day as any to learn about the act and get involved, help bring back the American Dream.

You can learn more about the history of how people used to be able to get into a union and how that has changed in the many years of union decline, in my recent article "Video: Massive corporations against The Employee Free Choice Act"

They don't want you to know the facts, so this Labor Day commit to learn about the legislation and commit to spreading the word, to your friend, your family and neighbors, that the American worker is not going to take it anymore.

Then take a moment to sign the petition that will be handed to our next Congress and President stating that we demand The Employee Free Choice Act.

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