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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Original tunes by Tig Wired, music for tradespeople of the world.

From Canada, for Tradespeople

Tig Wired, who according to their website is:
TIG WIRED is music geared towards the people who work in the industrial service areas, welders, fitters, riggers, brickies, tin bashers, boiler hogs, pipefighters, inspection guys, scaffold gods and the get the'll get the meaning too!!.
If you like good solid music with a taste for blues, rock, reggae and some new age stuff, then you are gonna love this site....

You can catch the band at their website or at:


Buy the Tig Wired CD here

Thanks goes out to Tammy at Weekly Toll for reminding me about these guys with her post: Workers' Memorial Day 2008

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