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Friday, March 14, 2008

Laborers Rejoin AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.

Good news From the AFL-CIO WebBlog
Laborers Rejoin AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Dept.
by Mike Hall, Mar 14, 2008

The Laborers (LIUNA) and the AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department (BCTD) announced that LIUNA will reaffiliate with the 12 other unions that make up the BCTD. The Laborers left the BCTD shortly after it disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO in 2006.

In a statement March 13, BCTD President Mark Ayers said the reaffiliation agreement reflects

…a shared commitment to always putting the interests of rank-and-file members first. LIUNA President Terry O’Sullivan’s vision, creativity and leadership will be a valuable asset to the department as we continue our strategic pursuit of repositioning and revitalizing the union construction brand around our core values of pride, performance and excellence. We welcome the LIUNA family back wholeheartedly and without hesitation.

O’Sullivan praised the BCTD’s Board of Governors who approved the agreement that resolved the outstanding issues related to the LIUNA’s disaffiliation as

true trade unionists who personify the meaning of solidarity. We are particularly proud of this mutual agreement as it occurs on the eve of the Department’s 100th anniversary. It’s a win-win for LIUNA and its member, for the Building Trades and for the entire construction industry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay, but why? Why go back now?

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