My Headlines

Monday, March 10, 2008

NY: Senator Schumer takes stand against Chinese made blood thinner, which killed 19 and injured hundreds

I myself have been on blood thinners, I figured since the American public who pays for all the Pharmaceutical testing in creating drugs via the price of drugs here in the states, wouldn't have to worry about factories which are inspected once every 13 years. We pay them to experiment, surly they manufacture the products in the United States. Well, I must have been dreaming, of course they don't reinvest in American worker's, they go off to distant lands to make the shit we are addicted to. Don't worry, as long as you keep asking your doctor about some more crap.

Chuck Schumer fights for people, once again he has taken a stand against "free trade" and toxic substances.

NY Newsday 3-09-08
Spurred by a massive recall of the drug heparin, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said yesterday the federal government should require foreign manufacturers to allow American inspectors to monitor drug factories.

Schumer said he and Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) will soon introduce legislation to increase Food and Drug Administration funding and require the overseas monitoring.

The announcement comes in the wake of the FDA linking 19 deaths and hundreds of injuries in people taking the blood thinner to tainted heparin ingredients imported from China. Schumer said foreign drug factories should be required to meet American standards.

"We would basically say to any country, 'If you're not going to meet our standards, you can't import drugs into our country,'" he said.

Schumer said his proposal would prohibit drug manufacturers from importing their products into the United States unless they allowed FDA inspectors to examine their factories.

Foreign drug factories are examined about once every 13 years, as opposed to once every two years for American drug manufacturers, Schumer said.

Schumer said 80 percent of drugs imported into America are manufactured in China. He said he would have no problem with foreign governments imposing similar requirements on American drug manufacturers.

"Anyone can have rules about drugs imported into their country," he said. "Our factories will meet any standards they have."

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