My Headlines

Monday, April 7, 2008

Carpenters video release: Globalization, who's next? A must see for all US construction workers

"It's not mexican, or Chineese, or Indian workers who are causing American workers problems, it's the wealthy and political elites who are using Globalization to reap more profits by driving down wages and benefits"- from video

Released by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters

This is a must view for anyone in the construction industry who believes that they aren't affected by the wave of Globalization.

Also check out: KS: State passes bill that will encourage more illegal immigration and punishes unions who try to help the workers (4/2/08) and
Slavery: Alive and well in USA Pt.2, Indian pipefitters abused in H2B Visa scam, main stream media picks up story full year after facts are released (3/13/08)

It's not too late to sway this, you have to get involved. Say no to the Colombian Free trade Agreement
Act Now! Click Below!!

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