My Headlines

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

American Axle bends and previously laid off AAM workers join strikers in solidarity

From Detroit Free Press (4/1/08) :
American Axle gives up information to spark negotiations
In what could be a turning point in the UAW’s five-week strike at American Axle & Manufacturing, the company said it has provided the information that the union had demanded.

The move was made to “intensify negotiations and reduce the impact of the UAW work stoppage” on the supplier’s customers, the company said in a statement this morning.

Since the strike began Feb. 26, the UAW said that the company had withheld information needed during for negotiations.

“It is my sincere hope that AAM and the UAW will be able to jointly develop an agreement that will allow AAM to compete on a level playing field in the United States automotive supply industry,” American Axle CEO Dick Dauch said in a statement issued this morning.
and continues
The company declined to disclose what kind of information it shared with the UAW, saying that the information was subject to a confidentiality agreement. American Axle said it provided the information March 27.

The union has said it requested information on how the company calculated future pension and prescription-drug costs, as well as the formula used to determine profit-sharing awards.

The announcement comes as tensions compound between the company and strikers. American Axle on Sunday started advertising for jobs at the plants subject to a strike. On Monday, American Axle workers laid off before the strike declined a call to return to work and officially joined the strike.
Hopefully this is good news, it seems that AAM is single handedly crippling GM, now plants that make sedans are closing.

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