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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Your eating a clone and you don't even know it

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From Consumers Union, the Not For Profit publishers of Consumer Reports, who brought us the "Not In My Cart" Campaign
With little data to go on, the FDA has decided that milk and meat from cloned animals and their offspring are safe to eat. This means that as of today, the livestock industry is free to ship these items to your supermarket with no labeling.

Cloned cows and pigs suffer from numerous health problems. Many are born with deformities and birth defects, and most don't live to adulthood. A Consumers Union poll found that 89 percent of consumers want labels on products from clones. Without labeling, you won't be able to choose whether or not to buy milk or meat from clones.

Act now! Ask your Senators and Representative to co-sponsor the Cloned Food Labeling Act.
Get involved, send a message here
and you can read more at their Food Blog
You can also visit their Website

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