My Headlines

Monday, February 25, 2008

Audio File of the Week - Building Bridges Radio on Labor's agenda fighting corporate greed

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Labor's Agenda Fighting Corporate Greed

interview with Richard Trumpka, Secretary Treasurer of the AFL-CIO and William Scheuerman, Pres. National Labor College

*Click to listen to 27:54 minute program
In a free wheeling discussion on the agenda for the labor movement, Trumpka and Scheuerman analyze the challenges workers face in an economy controlled by corporate interests who have rigged the system to their benefit at the expense of the living standards of workers. They point to the need for education & political mobilization of the working class to change the system, pointing to some hopeful signs such as new attitudes of workers towards unions, political mobilization of workers outside of unions, the increase in membership in unions and an expanded role of the National Labor College in education of workers and developing clarity on key issues of crucial concern to the movement.
You can view the original story with more information about Building Bridges Radio at

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