My Headlines

Monday, December 17, 2007

Russia: Victory - Ford agrees to 30% raise, strike ends temporarily

I have been following this story for a few weeks now at UnionReview and have participated in Labourstart's ActNow E-mail campaign. The workers fought tremendous odds against a company who used the police as security for strike-breakers and had the authorities ban picketing altogether. The workers after Ford agreed to a 30% increase in wage, have returned, possibly temporarily, and have begun bargaining on their February contract

From: UnionReview 12/10
In the midst of a 3 week strike for wage increase at a ST. Petersburg Ford plant, Russian authorities have banned picketing, after the company hired police to escort strikebreakers, according to a Ford spokesman enough of the 2000+ workers have returned to restart the second of 3 shifts it seems that Ford will not meet it's production of 300 Focus model cars per day. Currently a worker in the Ford plant makes about $880 USD a month. The Ford pickets represent the strongest union action in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Having the authorities stop their pickets the workers need our help even more.
Big props to Eric Lee and Labourstarts corespondents for keeping us informed, and to the people that got involved and sent e-mails or helped these workers any way they could. We do make a difference.

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