My Headlines

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Architect in crane accident may never walk

Although I don't think he's a union worker, he is part of what makes us the best, he's one of those guys that designs the almost impossible structures in which we build. On Friday, architect Robert Woos' life changed and on every job around the city we all felt terrible that indeed one of our own had been injured. I hope he will get use of his legs once again and feel for him and his family. Friday was a very sad day for us all.

From the NY Daily News: 12-16-07

Architect Robert Woo, who was hurt in the construction accident near the WTC site, with his kids Adrien, 6 months, at left, and Tristan, 2.

An architect pinned in a construction trailer by 7 tons of falling steel near Ground Zero has a spinal injury and may never walk again, his family said yesterday.

Before Friday's accident, Robert Woo was looking forward to a family trip next month to Disney World, a chance to take his wife and their two young sons for a spin on the rides and a stroll through the Magic Kingdom.

But Saturday, Woo's stunned family was wondering if the 39-year-old would ever regain use of his legs.

"He might not walk again," said his mother, Marcia Woo, who flew in from Toronto to be at his bedside at St. Vincent's Hospital Manhattan.

Full Story

Original Story Daily News 12-14 Revision 2, here is the Revision 1 if you are wondering about my rant over there

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