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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Find out how your Congress and Senate voted in support of our troops

The IAVA, Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran's of America, the foremost nonprofit, non-partisan advocate for our nation's returning warriors and their families, has a Congressional report card up for viewing.

Barack Obama scores a B. 7 points with vets, absent for 4 votes while campaining, voted for the GI Bill 2008 3 times, co-sponsored post-9/11 GI Bill

John McCain scores a D. Absent for 6 critical GI votes, including ALL GI Bill 2008 voting, did not co-sponsor post-9/11 GI Bill.

No wonder active servicemen have donated 6 times as much to Barack Obama's campaign.
Even Ron Paul has generated 4.5 times as much contributions from our active servicemen than John McCain.

Find out who in Washington really supports our troops and veterans

From the PDF Report Card:
IAVA Action Fund’s 2008 Congressional Report Card takes a closer look at the progress we have to celebrate this year. In the following pages, every member of Congress is graded on his or her leadership and voting record on the most critical issues facing Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. We are pleased to report that more than 150 legislators received a perfect score, a grade of A+. These legislators showed a consistent commitment to the support of our troops.

In particular, we’d like to recognize the crucial work of Senators
Jim Webb (D-VA), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), John Warner (R-VA), Daniel Akaka (D-HI), and Harry Reid (D-NV); and of Representatives Harry Mitchell (D-AZ), Bobby Scott (D-VA), Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL), Peter King (R-NY), David Obey (D-WI), Chet Edwards (D-TX) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). These lawmakers went above and beyond, not just voting in support of our veterans but also working behind the scenes to bring crucial veterans’ legislation to the floor.

The IAVA Action 2008 Congressional Report Card also serves as a tool to hold those in Congress accountable when they fail to vote in support of our troops and veterans. This year, 9 politicians earned Ds or Fs. These legislators must improve their voting records if they are to legitimately claim that they support our troops and veterans.
From the IAVA site, you can see how your Representative voted by clicking the image below:

The IAVA Action Fund is the foremost nonprofit, non-partisan advocate for our nation's returning warriors and their families. Our 2008 Veteran Report Card, based on the key veterans' legislation that came to a vote during the 110th Congress, grades every Senator and Representative on their level of support for our troops.

We hope this Report Card will serve as a resource to voters, the media, and elected officials. You can download the full Report Card here.

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