- 751 Rank And File Voices IAM The Union - Web Blog for striking IAM Boeing Machinists
- Hard Labor - Real Union, Real Working America, another great independent labor website
- Teamsters Online - Web Forum, rank and file Teamster independent forum, all are welcome, with news and even a gaming area
- Factory Rats Unite - Web Forum, another rank and file web portal, this one is heavily UAW dominated
- West Virgina mine workers take a day of protest against anti-Obama campaign
- You should have listened to George Carlin
- 3 hours ago
A Sunday double-shot of George Carlin, two re-edits of one of his final routines. "You know what they want? Obedient workers people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the pape... - Sunday Movie Review: Zeitgeist Addendum
- 3 hours ago
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." - James Paul Warburg appearing before the ... - Video: Michael Parenti - Is Bush a failure?
- 2 days ago
- Myth Of Liberal Media
- 2 days ago
- Homer Simpson votes for change
- 2 days ago
- Joe Biden: McCain's health care plan is the ultimate bridge to nowhere
- Senate Bailout passes: If you call it poop, it's still sh......
- Building and Construction Trades video : John McCain in his own words
- Park's Dept. worker saves police sgt. life during shootout
- Goodbye Cool Hand Luke
- Kucinich, Paul and Paulson Bernanke on bailout
- Paper ballots please
- Nations Social Bargain With The Rich
- Video: Obama ad
- Video: Letterman slamming McCain Part 2
- Tax Increases under McCain's Health Care Plan
- Site: Op Ed News
- 122 top US economists against Bailout
Union Review
- The Ultimate Bridge To NoWhere
- 2 days ago
Remember, twice now, both John McCain and Sarah Palin have not addressed his desire to tax your benefits... Why can't they just tell the truth? Your benefits become income, this way, employers no ... - Rhee's on a Teacher Hunt
- 3 days ago
And she's found her prey, DC Public School teachers that she thinks are "ineffective" Among the measures Rhee plans to impose are a new teacher evaluation system based primarily on stude... - Sarah Palin, Proud Union Member?
- 3 days ago
crossposted on Dailykos So, there’s been a lot in the press lately about Palin. From her poor interviews and inability to answer voter questions to her responses to Troopergate, you know, by avoiding... - Boeing to ELIMINATE Family's Right to a Pension if a Worker Dies
- 3 days ago
Boeing executives say a prolonged strike could wound the company, which is behind schedule on the fuel-saving Dreamliner 787 and has seen high demand ramp up production by 50 percent this year. I’m al... - McSame, Utterly Out Of Touch
- 4 days ago
Okay, I thought this was a joke when a friend told me about it, then she had the video. I'm absolutely stunned. I now understand why he's anti-worker, anti-regulation, anti-diplomacy, anti-tax... - Children in Need and Then There's Fenty
- 5 days ago
In the recent past, Mayor of DC, Adrian Fenty has been all too willing to throw workers under the bus in his obsessed mantra of "Accountability". But for once, Adrian isn't calling for t... - Adrianisms and Teachers
- 6 days ago
- Labor quote for the week: William O. Douglas, U. S. Supreme Court justice
- Today's BIG Labor cartoon: OPINIONS
- "Build America, Create Jobs and Get Our Economy Back on Track"
- i just got an email that said people voting absentee have been getting
- Vermont children once worked long days
- UFCW to Train Hundreds of Members in Battleground States
- Ohio Grocery Workers Decry McCain "Health Tax"
- Palin Not Alone in Bashing Community Organizers
- Why the Latino Vote Could Decide the 2008 Election (UFW)
- Teachers Union Calls For “Obama Blue” Brainwash Day
- Weinmann, MD: Insurance Industry Sabotages Injured Workers in California (Schwarzenegger's veto)
- Auto struggles may signal union openings for Alabama!
- Union Leader Alleges Barista Stole His Obama Campaign Sign
- It is a shame more DU members don't visit the Labor forum
- Today's Carol Simpson working family cartoon: Bailouts
- Today in labor history Oct 5 bloody riot at the gates of Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank, Calif.
- Hanesbrand to Close Nine North American Plants; Send Jobs to Asia
- AFL-CIO Targets Union Swing Voters On McCain’s Health Care Plan
- Nebraska Park's Dept. worker saves police sargent's life during shootout
- CNA Launches "Heartbeat" Palin Ad, Cals On McCain To Fully Disclose Medical Records
- Carpenters Union Wins (free speech) As Federal Judge Throws Out $30 Million Lawsuit
- Colorado (battleground) Businesses Join Unions to Fight Anti-Worker Ballot Initiatives
- Union members ( & environmental activists) are the new terrorists?
- Gerald McEntee originally posted on The Huffington Post: Questioning Sarah Palin
- GM to close Ohio SUV plant 2 years ahead of plan
- Today in labor history Oct 4 Thirty-seven black striking Louisiana sugar workers were murdered
- Palin Loves Union Health Care. What About Unions?
- Labor report indicates squeeze on tech sector
- Living wage ruling stands as high court rejects appeal ($1.6 million in back wages, Cintas)
- Today in labor history Oct 3 First time a president had personally intervened in a labor-management
- UCLA: U.S. union rates up substantially in 2008 for first time since 1970s, study shows
- NEW charges filled against Mall of America & Starbucks (no MSM)
- AFL-CIOs Richard Trumpka Speaks for Obama
- Starbucks settles NLRB complaint of fired barista
- Daily Kos: Sarah Palin, Proud Union Member
- Stocks decline on unemployment, factory reports
- Today in labor history Oct 2 President FDR asserted "the right of all workers to join unions"
- Radio Host (Thom Hartmann Air America) Sets Record Straight on Employee Free Choice
- Anna Burger Tells Governor Palin to Stand Behind Her Words and Support Affordable Healthcare For All
- Today in labor history Oct 1 Cherokees began the westward movement known as “The Trail of Tears.”
- National Air Traffic Controllers Association, Support the Employee Free Choice Act
- Are Democrats A Threat to Tribal Sovereignity? WOW!!!!
- Here's your online union member voter guide to the 2008 election
- What If Your Social Security Was in the Stock Market Yesterday?
- Today in labor history Sept 30 Leaving at least 100, perhaps several hundred blacks dead & more
- LAX workers reach labor agreement
- General Motors’ New Plant Will Build Smaller, Fuel-Sipping Engines
- Delphi to Send Pension Obligations to G.M
- Mitsubishi, UAW reach tentative deal at US plant
- Need help making a block list for Google Ad's
- Today in labor history Sept 29, 3 members of the United Mine Workers of America were shot to death
- Today in labor history Sept 28 Arrested 165 members of the IWW for protesting World War I
- Today in labor history Sept 27 “Uprising of the 20,000” & demanding bread for starving children
- Click Here and Listen: Streaming Headlines Oct. 6, 2008
- Economic Report: Job insecurity increases "office politics"
- Mine workers protest filming of anti-Obama ad
- Mitsubishi workers ratify contract; accept pay cuts in exchange for job security
- With many millions of workers and their families feeling economic pressure, how many are really in economic distress?
- Obama’s Challenge and Opportunity: Building a Strong Economy
- Car Wash Workers’ Campaign Builds on AFL-CIO Worker Center Program
- Government Watchdog Analysts Reach Accord on Interim Contract
- Bailout Signed Into Law. Economic Recovery for Workers Stalls
- Update: Mine Workers Support Obama with Day of Protest
- Top court to rule on whether inflatable union rat has free speech rights 2008-10-06 [Star-Ledger]
- SEIU members say voters fearful about an economy that keeps getting worse 2008-10-06 [SEIU]
- Sunday Movie Review: Zeitgeist Addendum 2008-10-06 [Joesunionreview]
- West Virginia Mine Workers Protest Anti-Obama Ad 2008-10-05 [NYT]
- UMW members are not fodder for anyone 2008-10-05 [Charleston Daily Mail]
- Only one really bad reason to vote against Obama.... 2008-10-05 [Steelworkers]
- A Photo Story: Women of Steel honor right to vote with activism 2008-10-05 [Steelworkers]
- Building Bridges Radio: Unemployment, Foreclosures, Recession - What Is To Be done? 2008-10-05 [WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report]
- Colorado Unions, business leaders will fight right-to-work ballot proposal 2008-10-05 [Forbes]
- West Virginia Blacksville #2 Mine Idle After 440 Workers Stay Home 2008-10-05 [WBOY]
- Virginia Union members canvass for Obama 2008-10-05 [News & Messenger]
- Ohio Unions seen as key to victory for Obama 2008-10-05 [Vindy.com]
- Missouri Will race be the deciding factor among working class voters in battleground Missouri? 2008-10-05 [Kansas City Star]
- Virginia We're all black down the mine - Virginia union organizers frank talk to skeptical voters 2008-10-05 [LA Times]
- Illinois Mitsubishi workers in Illinois ratify contract 2008-10-05 [Associated Press]
- California Car Wash Workers’ Campaign Builds on AFL-CIO Worker Center Program 2008-10-05 [AFL-CIO]
- California Boeing strike in Seattle now affecting Southern California travelers and businesses 2008-10-04 [LA Times]
- Boeing Strikers Draw International Support 2008-10-04 [IAM]
- Michigan More layoffs for MGM Grand Detroit 2008-10-04 [Detroit Free Press]
- West Virginia White union folks in Blacksville strike at mine to support Obama 2008-10-04 [Guardian]
- California Attorneys blame company in deadly train crash 2008-10-04 [TCRC]
- US employers cut 159,000 jobs in September 2008-10-04 [BBC]
- Bush's Labor board limits political strikes 2008-10-03 [Labor Notes]
- District of Columbia SEIU Local 32BJ, cleaners agree on 15% wage hike 2008-10-03 [Washington Business Journal]
- SEIU Members Pound the Pavement For Votes, Have Registered Over 70,000 New Voters 2008-10-03 [SEIU]
- Wisconsin New Report Shows McCain Plan Would Take Away Health Benefits of 415,000 In Wisconsin 2008-10-03 [SEIU]
- Anna Burger Tells Governor Palin to Stand Behind Her Words and Support Affordable Healthcare For All 2008-10-03 [SEIU]
- New York Starbucks settles NLRB complaint of fired barista 2008-10-03 [AP]
- Minnesota Starbucks Settles Claim With NLRB 2008-10-03 [Pioneer Press]
- Joe Biden: McCain's health care plan is the ultimate bridge to nowhere 2008-10-03 [Joesunionreview]
- Colorado Union members are the new terrorists? 2008-10-03 [Independent]
- New York Celebrity Chef Serving Sweatshop Seafood to Appear on The Today Show 2008-10-03 [Brandworkers International]
- Colorado Coors is not light in union battle: Right-to-work bill in has opponents frothing 2008-10-03 [Washington Times]
- Colorado Unions retract 'poison pill' measures 2008-10-03 [Washington Times]
- Minnesota Video posted of Starbucks union supporters detained on light rail at Mall of America 2008-10-03 [Blotter]
- Current issue of New Labor Forum available from CUNY 2008-10-03 [Murphy Institute]
- U.S. job losses steepest in 5-1/2 years 2008-10-03 [Globe and Mail]
- Connecticut Labor board orders Foxwoods to bargain with union 2008-10-03 [AP]
- Connecticut Foxwoods dealers win bargaining order from labor board 2008-10-03 [UAW.org]
- North Carolina UAW members help anti-worker groups show their true colors 2008-10-03 [UAW.org]
- Connecticut Pequots ordered to bargain with UAW 2008-10-03 [Norwich Bulletin]
- New York The university against itself 2008-10-03 [Chronicle of Higher Education]
- Boeing strike in USA delays service launch for Virgin Blue 2008-10-03 [Reuters]
- Boeing plane deliveries hit snag amid worker strike 2008-10-03 [MarketWatch]
- Nebraska Park's Dept. worker saves police sargent's life during shootout 2008-10-02 [JoesUnionReview]
- District of Columbia D.C. tecahers' union president faces pressure on 3 sides in pay talks 2008-10-02 [Washington Post]
- SAG negotiating committee punts strike vote to board 2008-10-02 [LA Times]
- Building and Construction Trades video : John McCain in his own words 2008-10-02 [Joesunionreview]
- California Hollywood actors union seeks authority for strike 2008-10-02 [Reuters]
- Massachusetts Aramark employees file lawsuit against MCCA/Labor groups start website to monitor Beth Israel 2008-10-02 [Boston Globe]
- AFL to hit McCain on health care and class front in new mailer 2008-10-01 [Politico]
- US Rail Safety Bill Moves Forward 2008-10-01 [TCRC]
- District of Columbia At the GAO, a union first 2008-10-01 [Washington Post]
- Some union members hesitant to support Obama 2008-10-01 [Union Renewal]
- Minnesota Alert! - Reinstate Joe Richards 2008-10-01 [IWW.ORG]
- Wal-Mart wins round three against Chinese union 2008-09-30 [Talking Union]
- California Steve Early on the UHW-W trusteeship hearings 2008-09-30 [Talking Union]
- Union leaders confronted by resistance to Obama 2008-09-30 [NYT]
- British Celebrities call for justice for prisoners held in United States 2008-09-30 [Unite the Union ]
- Massachusetts T union members may slow service 2008-09-30 [Boston Globe]
- Massachusetts The nation's social bargain with the rich 2008-09-30 [Boston Globe]
- New York Union members rally in NY to protest bailout 2008-09-30 [The Clarion/Professional Staff Congress CUNY]
- Union leaders blast bailout 2008-09-30 [Press Associates, Inc]
- California Engineer's family shoulders profound grief from wreck 2008-09-30 [LA Times]
- Stand Up for Main Street, SEIU Tells Senators 2008-09-30 [SEIU]
- Virginia NEW SEIU TELEVISION AD: Thelma Drake Is 2008-09-30 [SEIU]
- Hospital organizing slows two years after controversial supervisor decision 2008-09-30 [Labor Notes]
- Under shadow of corruption scandals, SEIU launches hearings against dissidents 2008-09-30 [Labor Notes]
- Unions talk race as election nears 2008-09-30 [Labor Notes]
- As profits soar, Boeing demands concessions, driving Machinists to strike 2008-09-30 [Labor Notes]
- Washington Wash. state worker union contracts due 2008-09-30 [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]
- New Labor Department rules are designed to root out Labor Union trusts corruption. 2008-09-30 [LA Times]
- Washington Largest state worker union OKs deal 2008-09-30 [The Olympian]
- Union Drops New Mailer In Battlegrounds Hammering McCain On Health Care 2008-09-30 [TPM]
- New York New York Enviro Dept workers on verge of lighter schedule 2008-09-30 [WTEN Albany]
- Ohio Gov. Strickland knows economic crisis facing working families is most important issue at stake this election 2008-09-30 [AFL]
- Ohio Union bus tour blasts McCain in Toledo 2008-09-30 [Toledo Blade]
- Illinois Tentative agreement gives Mitsubishi workers security 2008-09-30 [TNC]
- Pennsylvania UNITE HERE to pay Cintas employees $5 million for improperly obtaining license plate data during organizing drive 2008-09-29 [Business Courier of Cincinnati]
- Union leaders confronted by resistance to Obama 2008-09-29 [The New York Times]
- Mike O'Connell's death reminds of key UAW-Ford battle: was bodyguard for Walter Reuther 2008-09-29 [Detroit Free Press]
- California Metrolink adding second engineer to some trains 2008-09-29 [LA Times]
- Indiana Victory for Indiana Grocery Workers 2008-09-29 [UFCW, Grocery Workers United]
- Harry Bridges, Legendary Longshore Leader, Now on YouTube 2008-09-28 [AFL-CIO]
- Union leaders denounce bailout plan 2008-09-28 [NYT]
- Massachusetts Financial woes force nonprofit to cut staff 2008-09-28 [Boston Globe]
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